Monday, January 17, 2011

A Challenge to the Steeler Nation, the Jets, and the NFL

This weekend is the NFC Championship between the Pittsburgh Steelers and the New York Jets. Both of these teams started the season in controversy. For the Steelers it was their star quarterback, a future Hall of Famer, who allegedly raped a woman, and later sexually assaulted another woman who wouldn't press charges. For the Jets, they made the news when they sexually harassed a news reporter who was interviewing in their locker room. This is all distant memory now. No one is talking about it. And why talk about it? Is it really a big deal? Isn't it more important that the team rose above the controversy and are on the brink of the opportunity to win it all?

Is this an issue? Is there a problem here? I mean, really, didn't the women have a role in this? After all, Andrea McNulty was after the money, and Google her name and see how she has been reviled on line for being stupid and ugly and just a B*#@* anyway. What was Ben thinking? For me, while I believed the reports, decided to give Ben the benefit of the doubt.

The second incident there was no question that it was rape. Mr. Rooney said the right things, expressing his disappointment and disgust, and Rothlisberger said he would accept the punishment. A 4 game suspension. Wow! People go to prison for this! They go for a long time!!! However, the victim stated she didn't want to press charges. And no wonder, if she was going to get the same treatment that Ms. McNulty received!

The Jets incident. While not nearly as serious as the Rothlisberger case, still indicates that there is a keen disrespect for women.


The Pittsburgh Steelers have one of the finest franchises in the history of football. Whether a fan of the Steelers or not, you have to respect what they have done. The ownership has been stellar, the business plan solid, and have the Championship Trophies to prove it! Their fan base is strong and found in every state in the nation. WHAT IF the Steeler Nation stood up and stated that, while they have forgiven Big Ben, it's not enough. WHAT IF they insisted that Mr. Goodell and the NFL start making it a matter of high importance that this type of behavior isn't tolerated. What if they started an add campaign that expressed it's disgust of the abuse of women, and set a standard for honor and respect? Could you imagine an NFL sponsored Superbowl commercial that addresses the pandemic problem of the rape and abuse of women and children in our Land of the Free? What if the NFL sent contributions to help set in place rape crisis hotlines in every town? What if they developed programs to be taught in High Schools and Colleges that taught that sex isn't something to "conquer" but something to honor in a relationship with someone you love? Would this have a significant effect on our society? Change has to start somewhere! Why not football fans? Why not the NFL? Isn't it the National Sport? WHAT IF?

A few years ago Michael Vick was held responsible for illegal dog fighting and cruelty to animals and sent to prison. Yet we won't stand up for women. It is too ingrained in our society that women are at fault and "men will be men", despite the fact that every single one of us know women and children who have been abused. I do not believe that the Steeler Nation will take this action. I do not believe that they even see this as a concern. I do not believe that our country is willing to look at this devastating problem and do anything about it! But I have to keep saying it. I have to keep expressing my disgust. I have to hope that someday, somewhere, our country will actually decide to do something about it! Can you imagine what type of country this could be if we actually DID protect our women and children?

Saturday, January 1, 2011

2010 at a Glance

Last year I sent out a Ten Year blog, and thought 10 years was a bit too long to wait between updates! ha! So,here is one just after a year.


I continue to work at Texas women's prison as a therapist. I was very sad when the powers that be decided the title Staff Psychotherapist wasn't the right title and changed it to Mental Health Clinician. I have really missed telling folks who ask me who I am "well, I'm the Psycho Therapist". Clinician just doesn't have the same ring!

The job provides much satisfaction in many ways. Yes, there are aspects of the job that I find exhausting and some days I struggle maintaining a "cool" disposition. But more times than not there is a sense of accomplishment as I walk out the sally port each evening.

I have been working with one woman since almost the beginning of my tenure there. The first two years she would come in and just cry, skin splotching brightly from all the stress/anxiety, and say she just couldn't talk about it (extensive childhood sexual abuse). I finally found two other offenders who were also motivated to work on their souls, and the three of them have done a fantastic work! The contrast in my client...from sleeping all the time, walking around with her head down and shoulders' stunning! She no longer hangs her head and smiles brightly, is establishing healthy boundaries with unsafe and safe others, and is very proud of herself for the work she has accomplished. She has so much more to do, but is well on her way! Seeing this transformation is well worth the negatives of the job. And she's just one story. The prison is certainly full of anti-socials who have chosen evil, but they tend to stay away from the counseling office. There are many women who are the neglected, the abused, the thrown away women of our society who, when offered a chance, can get their lives turned around.

I had the opportunity to give a presentation to my peers I titled Rape and Society. While I've always had a few embers burning within about this topic, I small blaze was fired up while researching and preparing for this presentation. I thoroughly enjoyed having the dais for the day and being able to speak my thoughts about this topic. However, I felt like a was throwing a very small pebble into a vast ocean. I hope and pray that one day our society will honor, respect and protect our women and children. I will keep looking for opportunities to make a difference in my own little world.

Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Temple:

This gets it's own section because it plays such a significant part of my life. This is a very tiny church, in building and in numbers. These are the people that I get into the trenches with, let the "iron sharpen iron", and in general try to make a place for His Presence to always dwell when we gather together. This has been a very rewarding year! While it started with some very painful experiences when two couples that had been in leadership left our church in a hurtful way, a time of amazing love, peace and unity fell upon our people! We have enjoyed His Presence the vast majority of gatherings, and those the He has entrusted to us are learning and growing. The leaders continue to learn and grow as well. Humility reigns. God is God and we are not, and we attempt to proclaim His Truths every time we gather.

The worship band is a source of joy for me. Teresa, our lead vocal, has grown in confidence and has begun using her fabulous gift of prophecy as she leads. The band is full of servant leaders, who find great joy in just being a part of something bigger than themselves. This is a gift in and of itself, as those of you who have tried to lead musicians would know. There can be big egos in this area! I am fortunate to be working with these folks!

While it's been a very warm and gentle year, we want more! We want revival! We want Him to fall on Central Texas and change the spiritual apathy into an unquenchable fire! We can always hope and anticipate for such an experience! I hope it becomes a reality!

A few thoughts about life outside of work and church:

This year I was blessed with new friends, folks my age with a young child, who love to get out on the weekends and do fun things, and they wanted me for company. Yippee! It's made the "other hours" of my life more lively! I've thoroughly enjoyed engaging in dialogue with these mature Christians. I love their heart and passion for Jesus, their love and commitment to him, and how they handle the hard things of life. They have been a blessing to me. It's quite possible they will move from this area in the future, so I'll enjoy it while I can!

Mom. Her health is definitely not what it used to be. I have needed to begin taking more responsibility in her care, mostly in the area of bills and banking and Edward Jones and other logistics. She has been falling more, is finding it harder to get up from a sitting position, and in general is needing to not be by herself for long periods of time. Mom and Dad bought insurance a number of years ago to help with this very thing. (Thanks, Pappy, for your foresight!) We have found a home care provider, and a woman comes by 3 days a week to help her. Starting last week, the helper is coming 5 days a week for several hours a day. The hours will increase when the insurance "kicks in" this spring. My brother David still provides much care for her on evenings and weekends. He is most definitely a gift to Mom in her provision. What would we do without David????

I want to wish all of you a blessed New Year! I love this holiday more than any, because it means fresh starts and new beginnings. And I'm all about reviewing what is and how it can be better, or what needs to be cast off and replaced with something more effective, or learning to accept "what is" and live in peace. Okay, so I'm not quite there yet, but the "now and not yet" is a pretty cool place to live!

Love ya'll!